Sorry there wasn't a set of Tarotscopes for Sunday through Thursday; my gift, instead is to get a FREE Oracle Reading! Check it out! The offer won't last long! It will give you more information than a set of Tarotscopes could! I am also changing how my Tarotscopes will be. Expect a weekend set of Tarotscopes for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (of 4 cards per 'scope), a beginning of the week set of Tarotscopes for Monday and Tuesday (with 3 cards), and a mid-week set (also 3 cards). =]
Not sure which decanate you are? Look to the right and see if it says I'm signed onto Meebo. If I am, message me your birthday and I'll message you back what you are! If I'm not available, click here to find out by finding where your date of birth falls! Also, feel free to share this with friends on Facebook to let others see what their day holds for them! I would also appreciate it if you would vote in the poll right above this post. =]
Aries, First Decanate: You want to fix things with family this weekend and may even want to help family out; but you'll be feeling like you've just had enough. There may even be a family catastrophe to watch out for. Expect a reminder in the mail soon, as well; it could be about a doctor appointment. Expect things in the workplace to turn upside down as people are going to be at each other's throats and obstacles arise. This will only be temporary and may cool off by the end of the weekend. By the end of this weekend you will be seeing changes; even changes in yourself and how you view things. Put negativity behind you and push forward if you want to see a happier and stronger you.
Aries, Second Decanate: People may seem distant in the workplace and uninterested. Trust me, it's a blessing in disguise! Things will change and go into a different direction soon; as with your Aries friends, it may even happen by the end of the weekend. But this weekend is great for you to find answers, receive gifts, get the advantage on things, and even to get people to do favors for you! But there is some advice you should know, dear Aries, before letting the weekend unfold: don't push ahead without knowing what you're getting yourself into. Slow down and plans things carefully; even ask others for a second opinion. Caution is your friend. But, by the end of the weekend you will want to continue on even though obstacles have come up; you may even find an alternative path for something.
Aries, Third Decanate: This will unexpectedly develop this weekend; it could be concerning relationships. It definitely seems relationships of all sorts will have your attention and focus this weekend, Aries! It may be concerning a Taurus . . . or you may find yourself acting more like a Taurus because you'll be more bull-headed in the next few days! As far as romance goes, a new development or element will change things in a positive way and you'll feel less lonely as tensions ease off. But you will also see that a personal relationship has come to an end; there really isn't much left to it and you've just been holding on. You really want a lover or romance this weekend (perhaps something including blindfolds); you also want things to move ahead without restriction.
Taurus, First Decanate: You want to get away from home this weekend and socialize; you may even get an opportunity to travel! When you think about your work, you will want to be in something meaningful and will wonder if you're on the right path. Do you feel your work is dead?You may even ask someone else for their opinion or assistance. Perhaps you even feel like a relationship (a close friend or lover) may even be obsolete and will reflect upon it. While you may feel like getting away from the home, you may feel stuck or even trapped there. But it's a good idea to bring the socialization into your home and entertain those you love.
Taurus, Second Decanate: You'll be craving something (not necessarily food) so badly this weekend that you can practically taste it (no pun intended)! You just want to close your eyes and hope for the best; but remember actions are required to get what you want! As far as your home, you may think about moving. For some good news, you can expect something negative (could be an attitude or situation) to end! Yay! If you're dating, engaged, or married, you'll be taking a good look at your relationship and wondering if it's something you really want. Or, you may be asked to get married, move in together, or begin a relationship. Know that soon you'll get something new started; it will be very rewarding. But it means nothing to you, you feel, if you aren't in the right relationship.
Taurus, Third Decanate: Expect conflicts as far as your career goes. Keep your emotions calm as that's the way you'll be able to overcome things for the time being. Although your job is down, your relationships are up. It's the perfect time for relationships, especially ones with a significant other. Let go of your fears and accept the love that the other person has to give. You may even begin a relationship or take one to the next level (such as an engagement or marriage) if things are heading in that direction at this point in time. You may even want to end the relationship (or another one) but will know you have to continue on and let go of those damn fears! Here's some advice, Taurus: do something different this weekend to keep things moving. Do something new or come up with an idea. If there is an alternative way to do something, go for it! It's an adventurous weekend all around!
Gemini, First Decanate: You'll want to change things this weekend and it will be bothering you so much; too much, especially since you aren't seeing things move in a new and different direction. You may even be upset about waiting for something in the mail; it will arrive by the end of the weekend or beginning of the week. Also, expect to call someone for something and/or you may hear from someone that you'd rather not talk to. I also see you wanting a lot of success in your career and love-life; you also will want to overcome all obstacles to get to your goals.
Gemini, Second Decanate: Gemini, this weekend really packs a punch. Expect something to fail or collapse; it may be something going on in your life, a job, or even your own motivation. You may think about just giving up on everything as you'll be hurting in more ways than one, possibly. But, as some good news, emotional issues or inner conflicts will come to an end; so don't give up, Gemini! Expect to see someone by surprise, as well, which will bring something good to you. Others will also appreciate you and like you. By the end of the weekend you'll see negative conditions ending and positive ones beginning; remember you need to earn your success, though.
Gemini, Third Decanate: Expect something unexpected which will be either a long-distance phone call, business opportunity, or even obtaining a desired product. Speaking of desire, you really want things to lighten up this weekend; you want to stop being so involved in situations. You want to keep your emotions calm and to be able to cut off people from you life when you feel it's best or even cut out things or situations from your life that you don't want. That's basically what you'll be wanting this weekend. Expect to have a questioning mind this weekend and/or expect to be thinking of a "Plan B" for a lot of things. Soon, expect things to be all about family and the home (such as fixing things); even expect alone time soon.
Cancer, First Decanate: Something weird or unwanted that has happened recently or will happen this weekend will turn out to be something positive! Wow! But not everything is all bright and beautiful for you this weekend, Cancer. You may see commitment lacking in others around you and/or plans may be canceled or even promises broken. People will really let you down; expect this to cause disappointment, bitterness, and unhappiness on your part. But be prepared to say goodbye to pressure, tension, and anxiety; it will be ending this weekend as long as you're ready to move on. Then you can accept happiness and more positive things!
Cancer, Second Decanate: Power is on your side this weekend with business matters; you'll be very happy and proud when it comes to the workplace and very determined! You may feel like you're in a battle to succeed; don't think this way as you will end up finding success blocked for now if that's all you're looking at. But expect you outlook to change soon as a new plan will make things seem brighter. Here's some advice for the weekend, Cancer: find your faults and what's wrong in your life and work toward correcting those. Change ideas and attitudes and always look at the positives. You know my saying: there's always a positive side to something negative. You're so close to that success you want; but you need to go through this important step, first.
Cancer, Third Decanate: Someone will surprise you by their response or action! I'm also seeing that you may be going house hunting soon (perhaps not this weekend, though) and/or may also be going on a trip or shopping spree. You will also receive praise for a job well done and/or an increase in either money and/or work. But here's some advice, Cancer: don't just expect bad things to change. If you want the change to happen, you need to act on it!
Leo, First Decanate: You may be feeling pretty low; expect something that you will consider to be a great blessing to come out this weekend. It is most likely related to your finances, love-life, or work. But a relationship that appeared to be solid will turn out to be flimsy. Finances will improve either by receiving more money or by having expenses lower. Expect some anxiety from situations this weekend; you may even be wondering what your purpose is. But you'll make it through the weekend despite all this.
Leo, Second Decanate: You'll be following and listening to your heart this weekend; love is your main focus and all the feelings and issues that come with it. A much more positive frame of mind awaits you as obstacles are overcome (as long as you're trying). Someone is also going to help you get what you want. You'll deal with any finances issues and will have luck in acquiring money, if needed.
Leo, Third Decanate: A relationship that looked to be set in stone turned out to be set in sand. You will also spend this weekend looking at yourself and where you are in life, especially in terms of your job. You'll continue on although you can't help but wonder if there is something more out there for you. You will also be giving or thinking about giving a gift or doing a favor for a friend or loved one (perhaps a birthday). Expect getting the love and affection you deserve, though, and know that your heart is fine.
Virgo, First Decanate: You hoped for so much more than you get when it comes to something that will happen this weekend concerning your love-life or job. Happiness is on your side when it comes to friendship; expect some positive news and/or even an invitation from a friend. But as far as your love-life goes, you'll feel separated or even be separated. It will almost be like a black hole has filled your heart and nothing can replace it. But definitely expect to meet someone or receive an invite and/or receive or buy a gift!
Virgo, Second Decanate: Things will be stress-free in your love-life although not really fulfilling this weekend; you may even feel like things are souring in your relationship and that you're growing apart. You may feel there is a separateness even when you're together and that this distance is increasing. But your job and finances are high up on your list of priorities and you'll be thinking about them quite a bit; you may even receive a call for or from work. If you own your own business, expect positive changes. By the end of the weekend, all will be said and done and you'll try to avoid the things you feel aren't worth your time anymore; you don't want more stress from them.
Virgo, Third Decanate: You'll try to forget about some sort of relationship this weekend that was both disappointing and unsatisfactory; you'll try to keep them out of your thoughts. You'll think about moving and/or will have things to fix around the house. Just beware of tiny accidents around the home; you're quite accident-prone today, Virgo! But expect some financial troubles this weekend, especially if you're trying to obtain money from people that owe it to you. Change will make you happy this weekend along with a budding romance or love affair.
Libra, First Decanate: Many social opportunities will come your way this weekend and/or someone will enter your life today that will really interest you (and you'll meet them close by). Heck, all around relationships look fine, Libra! Expect support, friendliness, and even some unexpected new or help; could even be something unexpected related to your career. Expect others to notice your skills, abilities, and hard work; expect help as well, if you need some to get something going. A positive change is approaching, Libra; so good will come of all this! But don't take on too many things this weekend because it will only cause you to spread yourself too thin.
Libra, Second Decanate: Finances will be steady this weekend (perhaps you'll receive a check) and a past financial problem (something you've been worrying about) will turn out to be resolved in a positive way. This weekend also marks the beginning of changes around the home or family as problems ease off; however, you will also see an increase with your desire for love and romance. You're rewarded this weekend with friends that want to help you; don't take this for granted. Expect success in financial affairs and getting results; if you're a healer, you will have extra strong healing sessions!
Libra, Third Decanate: Libra, you might decide to just stop trying this weekend. Relatives will be having a difficult time with finances or relationships and may take it out on you or stress you out. You may also hear about someone dying or being deathly ill and/or that a couple you adore very much separating or you will feel lonely even though you aren't alone. But this weekend you're all about action and decision-making; you want to figure out the best way to proceed by seeing which is the right choice.
Scorpio, First Decanate: A change for the better awaits you this weekend; you'll find problems and conflicts ending and/or a positive change in the workplace. As far as romance is concerned, know that the worst is behind you for now; you may feel like you can't bury the past or start over. Don't make too many decisions concerning romance because once you do, things will change. You may also consider moving further away from home or will change plans to throw in a trip that you feel you just have to go on. Scorpio, people may not see things in the same light you do, but there is someone that does and they will help you build your talents and skills. Also, be aware of your Clairaudience this weekend as it is at an all-time high! Basically, listen to your inner voice.
Scorpio, Second Decanate: A surprise awaits you this weekend! It will either be some unexpected good news from someone or an unexpected social invitation! But expect push and pull with the family; some will be on your side while others will be against you. Also, someone of your immediate family may travel soon. Scorpio, your goals are within reach so make sure to be determined for what it is you want. Whatever is imperfect in your eyes should be either improved or pitched. By the end of the weekend, pressure will ease off as balance comes back in to play; expect hope and cheer to be reinstated.
Scorpio, Third Decanate: Activity consumes your every thought this weekend; doing things is your main focus. Problems with printer materials will lift and/or any projects will prove to be positive and successful. Expect to be at the top of the your game as far as work is concerned; others will be looking up to you because you're getting everything done. Expect that determination and an improved attitude to come of a positive working environment. Something will change either this weekend or next week with a relationship; expect to reunite or resolve things with someone you love or care for.
Sagittarius, First Decanate: You may be considering legal action toward something or someone, or you will find something planned will be canceled. If you've done something creative or artistic for money, you will find a payment coming to you either this weekend or fairly soon! You may be wanting success more than anything right now but if that's all you're focusing on, you'll see blockages from you reaching where you want to. By the end of the weekend you'll think about closing doors to the past and starting over, moving in a new direction.
Sagittarius, Second Decanate: You know the past is behind you, but you're uncertain about your future. You want peace and confidence in your life, but you can't help but worry and be afraid of what's ahead. Money will flow well this weekend, though, and/or a financial problem that was bugging you will be settled in a positive manner. If you're planning to spend time with someone, expect plans to be canceled or postponed for now. And when you do talk to someone . . . a conversation is sure to bother you. You may also have an unpleasant discussion or will have to come to a decision on something you'd rather leave be.
Sagittarius, Third Decanate: You will either hear from an admirer or will receive a calming answer to something that has your emotions all over the place. You will also receive a little extra cash and/or will still be waiting for something in the mail that was delayed. Your career is taking an uphill climb and if you're searching for a job, one is soon approaching! Expect to be acknowledged this weekend for your skills, work, and abilities; or, someone will offer you a helping hand to get something started.
Capricorn, First Decanate: Your romantic life will be stress-free but in a careless way because it will be unfulfilling and you may feel distant. Check the fine print of things this weekend and look for details in everything; be on the look out for accuracy! However, you'll be very happy with someone you've recently purchased or someone will help you get something you want. Although you may feel like you're in a "crisis," someone will help you out; or, you'll find love or romance coming your way.
Capricorn, Second Decanate: Something won't feel right this weekend and you want to stay away from it; it might me a commitment of sorts. It will cause of a lot of anxiety, worry, and just have you feeling uncomfortable. If you're expecting something new to happen as far as business is concerned, expect it to be canceled; don't begin anything new this weekend, either, as it will prove hard to get anything new done. Someone is going to brighten up your life this weekend, though; it's a great time to enjoy friendships! You'll also realize your outlook on something was completely wrong or that you made a wrong choice.
Capricorn, Third Decanate: You'll receive a lot of messages and invitations this weekend; more than normal. It will be a nice lift to your life, Capricorn! You may focus a lot of material gains and may start something new with someone you like; it could be an idea or actually putting something into action.You can also expect to talk about or take a costly trip; but it will be a wonderful trip in that it will lead you to discover new things. So now I have you worried about your finances, right? Well currently you'll have enough for this weekend to pay what you need to and any fights over finances will be decided in your favor.
Aquarius, First Decanate: Expect an unexpected surprise around the home. If you were supposed to visit a relative, plans will be postponed. There may be some disturbing moments with others, though, making you feel bad about a situation; remember that the way in which you deal with it will help you cope. Make sure to sleep on any decisions you have to make; a good rest is key for decisions and new things this weekend. If you were involved in an accident, expect money soon; if you have medical expenses to pay, expect it to be higher than you expected.
Aquarius, Second Decanate: You'll be hoping or waiting around for someone to call this weekend. But you may decide to just stop trying for things. Even though times may seem hard and you may seem down, know that glamorous offers are only as good as they look on the surface; hey, it's not all it's cracked up to be on the inside. You may be getting over an illness this weekend; regardless, slow down and take it easy. Don't stress yourself too much. If you've been thinking about switching doctors, this is the green light to do so now.
Aquarius, Third Decanate: Don't expect this to be a pleasure-filled weekend. I'm going to tell you straight up that what you thought would make you happy, will just turn out to be a disappointment. It's also a good time to bring spiritual or metaphysical interests into your home; or, you may invite a lover or admirer over. You may hear, however, that a friend or loved one has fallen ill and they may be hospitalized; or, you will at least hear some very unexpected news (most likely from a friend). If you're feeling like romance is over, you'll be surprised because in time the relationship will be revived (could even be a past relationship); it will cause you to be very happy! So there is something to look forward to, Aquarius; it may just take some time.
Pisces, First Decanate: Where you live just doesn't interest you anymore; you want to move on to another home . . . possibly in another place! If you've been trying to sell your home, expect positive news! A friend will also try to steer you in the right direction this weekend by pushing you to overcoming things; or, you may hear from a friend that doesn't live close by. If you're married, you may expect some suffering or hard times this weekend and/or in your career; financial restrictions may also hold you back. If you are not married (or are married but wanting someone else), you will find that you can't be with the one you want at the moment. Keep your spirits up, Pisces! This weekend you actually have the ability to overcome obstacles and resolve arguments! It's also good to make peace with yourself right now and even ask others for help, especially if you need it as far as your career is concerned.
Pisces, Second Decanate: A sudden flirtation or romantic possibility will be quite unexpected this weekend, Pisces! You may hold back at work, finding it hard to assert yourself; expect a change in that soon, though! Passions will grow strong or fast in a close relationship; you'll wonder what the future holds for the two of you. Also expect to buy a gift for yourself and/or another!
Pisces, Third Decanate: You may find some obstacles when it comes to your career this weekend, but you will find things lightening up quickly. You may even consider changing positions, jobs, or career to do something more fulfilling. You will also be wanting romance and love in your life right now, but feel fine doing without it for now because you don't want to put yourself in a bad situation or put yourself down to get it; not just isn't the time for romance. Your health is fine this weekend;s mentally, physically, and spiritually! By the end of the weekend you'll have found a way to make it through. You may not feel like things are completely aligned in your life right now, though. Just give it some time and try to make the changes you want to see.
To purchase a personalized Tarotscope, click here where I have different types available! I also love comments so feel free to leave your thoughts! =] Or you can message me on Meebo or Skype if I am available!
Beautiful Blessings,
Natasha <3
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