"Seven of Pentacles" Reading Subscriptions
The Seven of Pentacles is all about looking at situations and waiting on progress to continue. It's basically the period where you plant the seeds and wait for the harvest . . . but it will still take some time. Sevens indicate some unexpected situations, time to look at things, and even some positive changes beginning to happen. Pentacles are often seen as the suit of Finances. On another level, though, they are seen as a time where situations are taking shape. The Seven of Pentacles knows you want to make progress and get shit done, to be frank; so it's going to help you get what you want. This Reading Subscription is aimed at providing you with an outlook on the month and a set of Readings for the month. Let's take a look at each of the 5 tiers:
It offers the following to you on a monthly basis:
- A 15-minute Live IM Reading OR a 2-question e-mail Reading.
- Monthly Personalized Tarotscope
- 10% off Additional Readings
It offers the following to you on a monthly basis:
- A 15-minute Live IM Reading
- 2-Question E-mail Reading
- 1 Yes/No Reading
- 1 "When" Reading
- Monthly Personalized Tarotscope
- 20% off Additional Readings
It offers the following to you on a monthly basis:
- A 15-minute Live IM Reading
- 3-Question E-mail Reading
- 3 Yes/No Readings
- 1 "When" Reading
- 1 Monthly Outlook
- Monthly Personalized Tarotscope
- 30% off Additional Readings
It offers the following to you on a monthly basis:
- A 30-minute Live IM Reading
- 3-Question E-mail Reading
- 6 Yes/No and/or "When" Readings
- 1 Monthly Outlooks
- Monthly Personalized Tarotscope
- 40% off Additional Readings
It offers the following to you on a monthly basis:
- A 30-minute Live IM Reading
- 3-Question E-mail Reading
- 8 Yes/No and/or "When" Readings
- 3 Monthly Outlooks
- Monthly Personalized Tarotscope
- 50% off Additional Readings
Information on Contents:
- Live IM Reading - You are given this many minutes per month to use in a live IM session with me through Facebook IM, Skype, MSN, AIM, and Yahoo Messenger.
- E-mail Reading - You are given this many questions to ask through e-mail per month where you will receive a detailed, insightful, and in-depth e-mail Reading on each question.
- Yes/No Reading - You can use this many Yes/No Readings per month.
- "When" Reading - You can use this many "When" Readings per month.
- Monthly Outlook - You can choose an outlook on any situation, relationship or area of your life such as love, career, finances, and more! Pick as many as your subscription calls for!
- Monthly Personalized Tarotscope - A Personalized Tarotscope is sent to your e-mail (or Facebook) before the coming month begins. I use 6 cards in the Tarotscopes to help give you a nice outlook on the month to come!
- Additional Reading Discounts - Sometimes you may need more Readings than you Subscription provides. So each tier is given a discount which you can use to purchase more Readings, if necessary. To receive this discount, please e-mail me or contact me on Facebook instead of directly buying from my blog.
Subscriptions are not only available monthly, but you can also purchase them yearly for a discount (12 months for the price of 10 months). The contents of your Subscription will be distributed monthly to you.
Got a Question? Contact me on Facebook!
Please note that the e-mail, yes/no, "when" and live sessions can be spread out throughout the month. So you can choose to have 10 minutes of your 30-minute live session on the 1st of the month, a yes/no Reading on the 3rd, 1 question through e-mail on the 5th, etc. If you need more Readings for that month, you'll receive a discount ranging from 10 to 50 percent off the price. Readings do not roll over from month to month so if you do not use up all your live IM time, you cannot use it another month.
Beautiful Blessings,
Natasha <3
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